March 10th is “Cactus Day” in Japan. & Prompt

What day is it in Japan today?

What day is it today?

It’s the headgear series for three days in a row.
“Eating pork cutlet in a cactus costume” I wonder if you know what this is… maybe only people from Tokyo would get it.
“Leonardo AI” is blooming.

March 10th is “Cactus Day” – a play on words between “sa (3) boten (10)”.


Flux 1.1 Pro

Recraft V3


SeaArt AI

Leonardo AI

“Cactus Day” prompt

Create a highly detailed anime-style portrait of a woman wearing a cactus cosplay and eating a tonkatsu.
The woman has short green hair and large, bright red eyes.
Her face is wide open as she stuffs a tonkatsu into her mouth.
Many large spines extend from the cactus cosplay she is wearing.
The background is a Japanese restaurant.
Highly detailed with hyper-realism to bring out the cactus cosplay and the tonkatsu, and soft gradients create a depth-of-field effect.

Summary of what day it is today: March 10th

  • Cactus Day: A play on words with “sa (3) boten (10)”.
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Peace Day: On this day in 1945, the Great Tokyo Air Raid by US Air Force B29 bombers took place, causing the greatest damage in Tokyo, and in 1990, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government established this day as a day for all Tokyo residents to think about peace.
  • Army Memorial Day: Commemorates Japan’s victory in the Battle of Mukden during the Russo-Japanese War, which took place on this day in 1905.
  • Rural Women’s Day: Established in 1988 (Showa 63) by the Women’s and Lifestyle Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. This was because the 10th was often a day of rest for women in each region, during the farming off-season.
  • Sado Day: Established in 1998 by the Sado Tourism Association. A play on words with “sa (3) do (10)”.
  • Mito Day: A play on words with “mi (3) to (10)”.
  • Matchmaking Day: Established by En Matchmaking Agent Co., Ltd. with the aim of providing opportunities for people to meet and encouraging happy marriages. The date is a play on words: “mi (3) ai (1) = matchmaking,” “meet (3) to (10) = meet,” and “0 = yen = fate.”
  • Sugar Day: A play on words: “sa (3) tou (10).”
  • Mint Day: Established by Kanebo Foods in 2000. A play on words: “mint (3) tou (10).”
  • Yokohama Three Towers Day: Established by the Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau in 2007. A play on words: “san (3) tou (10).”
  • Nagoya Cochin Day: Nagoya Cochin, a local chicken bred by the brothers Kaifu Sohei and Masahide, samurai of the former Owari domain, was certified by the Japan Poultry Association as the first domestically produced practical breed on March 10, 1905 (Meiji 38). In commemoration of this, an application was made to register March 10th as “Nagoya Cochin Day” with the Japan Anniversary Association, which approved it in 2016.
  • Takenoko no Sato Day: Meiji Co., Ltd. applied to the Japan Anniversary Association to register it as the anniversary of Takenoko no Sato, a confectionery that the company sells, and it was officially accepted and established in 2017. The name is a play on words, with the numbers “sa” (3) and “sa” (10) coming from the product name “Takenoko no Sato.”
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