
What day is it in Japan today?

December 20th is “Department Store Opening Day” in Japan.

What day is it today?I think this one is pretty good. I made it with the idea of ​​what would happen if a department sto...
What day is it in Japan today?

December 19th is “Eyelash Growth Day” in Japan.

What day is it today?I asked for my eyelashes to be emphasized, but they drew a little more attention to my eyelashes th...
What day is it in Japan today?

December 18th is “Tokyo Station Day” in Japan.

What day is it today?This is such a great subject, so I decided to go for a "steampunk" style this time!It looks really ...
What day is it in Japan today?

December 17th is “Airplane Day” in Japan.

What day is it today?Yesterday I thought I could make it better, so I went for a "steampunk style", but it wasn't very g...
What day is it in Japan today?

December 16th is “Telephone Founding Day” in Japan.

What day is it today?There's only half a month left this year. It's nice to have a retro anniversary.This time, "DALL・E ...
What day is it in Japan today?

December 15th is “Tourist Bus Day” in Japan.

What day is it today?It was a bit of a difficult request, but they managed it surprisingly well, which surprised me. Thi...
What day is it in Japan today?

December 14th is “Chushingura Day” in Japan.

What day is it today?This time, I wanted to let "Recraft V3" show off its true potential, so I tried to generate it real...
What day is it in Japan today?

December 13th is “Big Cleaning Day” in Japan.

What day is it today?It's a good subject, but it's not that great.December 13th is "Osouyou Day" - the day when people s...
What day is it in Japan today?

December 12th is “Battery Day” in Japan.

What day is it in Japan today?

December 11th is “100 Yen Coin Day” in Japan.

What day is it today?Today "DALL・E 3" and "Midjourney" were a big hit!So I generated a lot of "DALL・E 3" and "Midjourney...